Sales consulting and sales process consulting

Our sales management consultancy service is designed to provide you with the guidance and knowledge you need to solve your sales challenges.

Our services cover the following areas:

Müügiprotsesside korraldamine

Improving sales performance

Is your company’s current sales performance not meeting your expectations? Our experienced consultants will assess your sales processes, identify obstacles and develop tailored strategies to increase sales of your products or services.

Coaching (väärtuspõhine müük)

Expanding into retail chains

If you want to get your products on the shelves of retail chains, we’ll guide you. Our team has the experience and skills needed to negotiate with retail organisations to ensure a long-term partnership for your business.

Sales consulting and sales process consulting

Different strategies for cold calls

Cold calling can be a daunting task, but it’s still an effective way to make sales. We offer guidance and training from experienced experts to make your cold calls more effective, helping you to make better sales contacts.

Rasked läbirääkimised

Reaching decision-makers

Reaching decision makers (including CEOs) is often the most important thing in B2B sales. We advise, share methods and strategies on how to connect with deciders, ensuring your message reaches the right person.

Koosolekute korraldus

Closing techniques

The art of the deal is essential to the sales process. We provide closing training for your sales team to turn sales leads into satisfied customers.

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